Software Design Patterns

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Course Description

By participating to this training, you will get a deep understanding of the most common object-oriented design patterns. You will understand how to use the Design Patterns to structure your code in a way that you will enjoy working on it, long after the first lines were written in your project. You will also see how knowing design patterns helps in getting better ideas on how to reach a better design for your code, a higher maintainability, reusability and extensibility.

This course explains the design patterns from the perspective of real life projects. It focuses on minimizing the cost of change of the code we are writing, by doing a code design that embraces change. It does so, by discussing for each pattern its intent, its applicability and the most important aspects that need to be considered when tweaking the pattern to a very specific context. It also shows code examples on how the patterns were implemented in different projects and on how patterns can be combined among them and with other design principles or practices.

Each pattern describes a problem that occurs over and over again in our environment, and then it describes the core of the solution to that problem. It does it in a way that you can use the solution million times over and over again, without ever doing it the same way twice. Therefore, knowing these patterns and how to tweak and combine them in a particular implementation is one of the conditions of being able to write quality code.


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