Database Management Foundation

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Course Description

Covers database design, implementation, and management. Students learn about SQL queries, relational databases, normalization, and database security.
Database Management Foundations is an essential course that provides a solid understanding of the key concepts and principles of database management. This course covers a range of topics related to designing, organizing, and managing databases efficiently.

Some of the core areas covered in the course include:
Introduction to Databases: This section provides an overview of databases, their purpose, and their importance in modern applications. It explores the benefits of using a database management system and delves into relational and non-relational database models.
Data Modeling: Data modeling is an important aspect of database management. This section covers the basics of data modeling, including entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs), data attributes, relationships between entities, and cardinality. It teaches how to design efficient and optimized database structures.
Database Design: Proper database design is crucial for data integrity and performance. This section focuses on the principles of database design, including normalization techniques (such as first, second, and third normal forms), denormalization, and indexing strategies. It emphasizes the importance of designing databases that are scalable, maintainable, and optimized for efficient query execution.
Structured Query Language (SQL): SQL is the standard language for interacting with relational databases. This section covers SQL fundamentals, including basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), data manipulation, data definition, and querying techniques. It also explores advanced topics such as joins, subqueries, and aggregate functions.

Database Administration: Database administration involves tasks such as user management, security, backup and recovery, performance tuning, and monitoring. This section provides an introduction to these administration tasks and best practices for managing databases effectively.
By completing the Database Management Foundations course, you will gain essential knowledge and skills required to design, implement, and maintain databases efficiently. This course is beneficial for aspiring database administrators, data analysts, software developers, and anyone involved in working with databases.


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